CcEhRa EiMnOs NY
It´s a Ceremony
but like any other sport
it´s full of rules.
What to say.
How to act.
What not to do.
Chained by Ceremony and
rules the human spirit is
confined to a small box
instead of the wide expanse
it was ment to be in.

A Ceremony for other
but not for yourself.
Fears instilled upon a human mind
by parents.
What will they think?
Do you appear weird?
You´re not normal.
All these fears to enforce the Ceremony.

What would happen to society if there was
no Ceremony.
The beginning of it.
The end of it.
The decay of it.
What ever happens there will be change.
No more Ceremony.
We have been enslaved so long they say.
It has a purpose, so they say.
The chain of rules and Ceremony suffocates so
much that they can not remove the chains they say.
These chains do not harm us they say.
The chains keep everything in line they say.
I like the chains they say.
These are the myths of their reality

Is there freedom from the chains?
Not just the chain of Ceremony
but all the other chains of life that contain you.
That is the real question.
Are the free really free or are they chained by unseen chains?

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