A = Action
AD = Adventure
C = Comedy
CHF = Chick Flick
D = I Was Dragged To See It
DS = Drama/Suspense
FX = Special Effects
G = Gory
H = Horror
L = Language/Cussing
M = Medieval
MA = Martial Arts
N = Nudity
P= Well Developed Plot
SCI-FI = Science Fiction
S = Sex (Over Glorified Porno)
T = Thought Provoking
Matrix: *****
The great question, what is reality? This movie will have you
wondering which way is up or down (No Pun Intended; with them walking on walls). The reason why
this movie gets 5 stars is because it has everything for everyone and the plot is well developed.
Awesome action scenes and insane martial arts deliver action packed preformance. This is a true
Sci-Fi movie in every sense. It was so good that my girl friend really liked it and she hates
SCI-Fi/Action movies I like.
An underlining theme to the movie is that us (people in general)
define our own reality by the way we act, think, and present our selves with the "system" (evry day
grind of life and rules). A major theme is to break out of what people expect of you and into what
you know you can do (believe in yourself).
Note: Neo is not the one, the key lies in everyone to become something more than the some of their